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Clinical practice Guide for the mechanical ventilation of the Newborn Infant Neonatology

When we face any scientific work we should question ourselves certain points, of which, probably, the most important ones are: Is this work worth it? What is it going to show us? Is there any similar work done before? These questions, and more importantly, their answers, should guide us in our efforts to improve, in our case, the daily clinical practice. Considering these points, we realised that even when the mechanical ventilation in neonates is one of the most valuable contributions in the survival of the ill newborn, little is done to achieve well structured and planned action and measurement of results. It is, therefore, very complicated to know in what level of scientific evidence we are during our daily clinical work in this subject. We believe that in this specific area this first "Guide of Neonatal Mechanical Ventilation" is of great value and use - as we have not found any other guide during a thorough bibliographical revision in this field. There are many people who contributed in the accomplishment and writing of this guide; all of them decided that it should be distributed free off charge. This will allow centring the state-of-art in Neonatal Mechanical Ventilation. We hope it will be useful.

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