Servicio Andaluz de Salud. Consejeria de Igualdad, Salud y Politicas Sociales. Hospital Universitario Reina Sofia
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Hospital - Servicios Médicos - Cardiovascular Surgery - Management Results

Management Results

- The Unit has a table with the Managing Results of the years  2009 – 2011:

-  The cardiovascular Surgery UGC has performed an analysis of claims interposed to our unit as well as claims attributed during the years ;

-  The unit uses the reports from focus groups of patients for suggestions and to analyze the satisfaction of the patients and their families;

-   Satistaction Surveys completed by the user are analyzed and evaluated by the unit to incorporate measures to solve the questions refered by users

-   Inicia la descarga del ficheroSurgical Deprogramming (pdf 82 Kb) of the Clinical Management of Cardiovascular Surgery Unit are anlyzed and evaluated by the Unit  to include measures to minimize the reasons that cause that.

Cardiovascular Surgery UGC

Location of the Secretariat

  • External Consultancy Building, 3rd Floor
    TLF: 957-010443 / 957-012829
    FAX: 957-012868

Consulting Rooms

  • External Consultancy Building, 1st Floor
    TLF: 957-011919
  • General Hospital, 1st Floor
    TLF: 957-012831

Location of Vascular Explorations

  • General Hospital, 1st Floor
    TLF: 957-010299 / 957-010181

e-mail: Abre una ventana para envio de correougcccv.hrs.sspa

Versión en español

Fecha de creación de la página: 15-Sep-2014

Fecha de la última actualización: 03-Nov-2016

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